How to take care of Sansevieria - Snake plant?

Also called “Snake plant” and "Bogenhanf" auf Deutsch, Sansevieria is a super easy care plant.
Water: Less is definitely more for this sturdy plant, let the soil dry out almost completely between watering, and then only water moderately. Overwatering and water stood in the rhizomes can cause rot, which will kill your plant.
Air Humidity: Can adjust to both dry or humid conditions, but keep it out of cold drafts or direct proximity heaters and vents. Its a great choice for an office plant, because they can handle dry air better than most other plants.
This plant also thrive on a balcony, but do not expose it to frost and snow.
Light: Sansevieria prefer medium light, but can tolerate both low light or brighter conditions, however keep away from bright sunlight, as it will burn easily.
It’s the perfect plant for a darker corner in the apartment, rule of thumb is that the darker leafed versions do better in low light, and the more patterned variegated versions will become less distinct in low light.
Fertilizer: Sansevierias don’t need much fertilizer, maximum twice a year and only in the spring/ summer months. An organic all purpose houseplant fertilizer will do just fine.
Pruning: Sansevierias propagate by spreading underground stems also called rhizomes, however as houseplants, leaf cuttings are the easiest way to prune and propagate. Place the cut as close to the base as possible and use a sterilised sharp knife or scissors.
Repotting: Sansevierias grow roots and rhizomes under ground and only needs repotting when the pot it “full”. They are slow growers and strong enough to break the nursing pot, if they outgrow it. For sansevieria living in low light and slow growth, repotting is only required every 5-10 years. Faster growing plants could be repotted every 2-5 years.
Use a well draining potting soil, like cactus potting soil.
Snake plants are mildly toxic to cats and dogs.