How to take care of Pothos plants (Epipremnum aureum & Scindapsus pictus)?

What is included to Pothos plants?
At least Epipremnum aureum, but some people count Scindapsus pictus as well to this group.
Common names: Pothos, Efeutute, Devil's ivy, Silk Pothos
Pothos plants are native to Mo'orea in the Society Islands of French Polynesia and common on many Pacific islands as well as Malaysia, in Hawaii, Central and South America, Southern Florida and the Caribbean. Epipremnum has glossy leaves and Scindapsus is more velvety. Both families are heart-shaped with many leaf varieties.
These really easy care and beautiful plants look amazing on the table, floor or hanging. They grow almost anywhere and take care is similar for both.
Pothos is Air Purifying plant that removes harmful chemicals like formaldehyde out from the air.
Green Jade pothos do well in low light. The Golden pothos likes medium light and Marble Queen pothos grows best in medium to bright indirect light. More white, more light they need, but not direct sun.
Water well and then allow the top half of the soil dry out before watering again. Over-watering is easiest way to kill pothos plant. New growth and older leaves turn pale yellow and may get black spots on the leaves when a pothos is over-watered.
Bright yellow leaves indicate that the soil has been too long too dry.
Fertilize once a month in the spring and summer when the plant is actively growing. Use a well-balanced plant food diluted to half of the recommended strength.
Pothos plants do well in temperatures between 13°-27°C. If temperatures drop below 8°C it stops growing and the leaves will turn black.
Basic household humidity is ok. They do like if you mist them very now and then.
Pothos plants are relatively pest resistant. If the soil stays too damp, Fungus Gnats may appear. Mealy Bugs are another pest to look out for.
Over-watering causes plant diseases such as crown, leaf, and root rot. Once pothos plant roots are destroyed, is difficult to save the plant. If you cut all the leaves out but roots are okay, it continues sprouting new leaves.
Soil and repotting
Use a well-aerated, quick-draining potting soil that dries out quickly. You can use Green plant potting soil with a handful of perlite. Repot Pothos plants every 2-3 years. Pothos will be okay with slightly root bound.
Trim long runners to keep a pothos looking bushy and full.
Pothos plants are toxic. They contain insoluble calcium oxalates. Symptoms: oral irritation, pain and swelling of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting and difficulty of swallowing