How to take care of Alocasia?
There are about 70 species of Alocasia and lots of hybrids. They are tropical plants, that require a high level of humidity, water and bright indirect light.
Water: Alocasia prefer moist soil all year, but not soggy soil as it makes it susceptible to fungal infections. Allow the top few cm of soil to become nearly dry between watering. They require less water in the winter months, as the plant is dormant.
Air humidity: Prefer a warm and humid environment, it will benefit from the company of other plants. Keep a room temperature between 15-25 Celsius, and keep away from cold drafts or direct proximity heaters and vents.
Light: Thrives in bright indirect or filtered light, but avoid hard direct sunlight.
Fertilizer: Alocasia need a fair amount of fertilizer during the growing season. Use an organic fertilizer twice a month, from spring to end of summer, to support your plants growth.
Pruning: Alocasia grows long legged stems, new leaves develop from the last grown stem, so take care you do not cut the sprouting stem. Removing yellowing leaves by cutting the stem as close to the base as possible, or wait until the leaf can be removed easily, pulling it outwards and away from the base.
Repotting: Repot into a larger pot, approximately once a year at early spring, in green plant potting soil. You can divide the rhizomes in order to keep the plant a manageable size or simply let it grow!
Soil/Potting medium: Use well-draining potting mix, it needs to be porous. Best would be one part universal soil and one part perlite or coarse potting sand and one part peat.
Most Alocasias are toxic to humans and animals.