How to take care of Aglaonema?

Algaonema also called Chinese Evergreen (Kolbenfaden auf Deutsch), is an easy care plant, that can tolerate low to bright indirect light, as well as fluorescent lighting, which makes it an ideal office plant.
Some of them are mainly green but many has also really bright and beautiful colors.
Did you know that Chinese Evergreens are also really good Air Purifiers.
Water: Aglaonema prefer moist soil all year, but never soggy. Allow the top few cm of soil to become nearly dry between watering. They require less water in the winter months, as the plant is dormant.
Air Humidity: Keep a room temperature between 15-25 Celsius, and keep away from cold drafts or direct proximity heaters and vents.
Can tolerate typical household humidity, however if the tips of the leaves turn brown, the humidity needs to be increased. Humidity can be increased by placing a humidifier, a trey with pebbles and water or close proximity to other plants.
Light: Prefer medium to bright indirect light, but keep away from direct unfiltered sunlight. Aglaonema can tolerate low light, as well as fluorescent lighting.
The more colour variety on variegated leafs, the more bright indirect light it will need to keep the markings.
Fertilizer: Aglaonema don’t need much fertilizer, use an organic all purpose houseplant fertilizer, about twice a season and only in the spring/ summer months.
Pruning: Aglaonema grow long legged stems, new leaves develop from the last grown stem, so take care you do not cut the sprouting stem. Remove yellowing leaves by cutting the stem as close to the base as possible, or better yet, wait until the leaf can be removed easily, pulling it outwards and away from the base. A trick to help Aglaonema flourish, is to cut off the flowers, as they siphon growing power from the leafs.
Repotting: Aglaonema is a slow growing plant, which will only needs repotting every other year.
Use only well-draining soil, preferably an mix with equal parts of universal potting soil, perlite and sand.
Aglaonema is toxic to humans and animals.